Contact Us Form
Please mail all traveler
applications and payments (for
both offices) to
applications and payments (for
both offices) to
Special Journeys, LLC
P.O. Box 30256
Omaha, NE 68103
P.O. Box 30256
Omaha, NE 68103
We have three separate fax numbers to help manage the large number of faxes we receive:
- Exclusive fax number for Pre-Trip Information Forms ONLY: (877) 934-8832
- Vendor Fax: (855) 934-8832
- Our main fax number for traveler applications and all other faxes is: (888) 934-8832
Omaha Office
Serving Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota
(402) 884-1014
(402) 884-1014
Kansas City Office
Serving Kansas and Missoui
(913) 227-0044
(913) 227-0044
Office Address for all other correspondence
Special Journeys, LLC
P.O. Box 583
NE 68010 Boys Town
P.O. Box 583
NE 68010 Boys Town
Email address